Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tagged... 5 weird things about me...

was tagged by thesexysecretary and now have to think really really hard how weird i am...
i would like to think that im actually pretty normal but i guess there must be something i can find abt myself...

1st... Eating WAY TOO FAST
well yes i can eat really2 fast and this only happens if i am at home... maybe im just too tired or maybe because am watching the telly so will try to finish the meal during the commercial break..
almost all the time i finish wolfing down 2 plates of rice in less than 2mins... Trying really hard to slow down and chew more but so far its not happening... God! Do i have an eating disorder??? heheheh...

2nd.. Toilet Breaks
I guess all the wolfing down the food has actually given me some bowel problems... I do need to go the toilet almost more frequent than anyone else i know... There are days when i can go and berak (shit) twice/thrice or even more!!! Plus, i personally feel something is missing or wrong if i dont go once in the morning and once at nite... hehehe..
And most of my friends are aware that i have this weird thing going on!!

3rd... Gas Problem
Ah.. i see a connection now.. I have this strange habit of burping and farting at the most inapproriate times... the burping starts normally after food but also when i had way to many beers too.. But what makes it weird is that, i feel that my burp is louder longer than anyone else... And my fart, good god!, most friends have been shocked to hear how loud it can be....

theres this incident that happened when i was in KL, coupla years ago, me and sexysecretary and sexy mama were sharing a room and in the morning, i let out such a forceful and loud fart that i myself was shocked!!! you can feel the whole bed vibrating!!! Naturally all 3 of us had a good laugh!!

4th.. Eating Tears
So far ive not met anyone else that has this... Usually when im too hungry and chew excessively, automatically my right eye will start to tear... Like the above weird problem that I have, this one seems to affect only me.. None of the family have the same problem... My friends and acquantainces have asked me if the food im eating is extremely spicy that im crying... Sigh.. if only they know lah....

5th... Touchy Feely.. NOT!!
Ok ive got this weird habit of getting annoyed if someone decides to go touchy2 and feely2 with me... U know the trying to be manja-ed... See, the thing is, im not really know to be affectionate with anyone or even my friends.. im very discreet abt my life and if someone starts to hold and hug in public, i think he or she will shoved away!!
pls dont ask me why!!

There! Cant think of anything else already...

ps: will update abt my BKK trip at another time..


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