Friday, February 24, 2006


Its that time of the year where im going to be herded and packed to the jungles for in camp training... At this moment, dread and anxiety is consuming me.... I dont understand why,last year, i managed to survive with nothing serious or hilarious that happened... But what i gather from people i met during my RT (remedial training), we have to do some serious trench digging this time round... Looking forward to that... Not!!!
have been telling myself that whatever happens, must be positive... Its just 2 weeks and im sure that i will be able to book out on weekends.... And it will be good to meet up with my reservist mates to catch up on things that have been happening....

Anyhoo, the month of February has been FANTASTIC!!! First there was the super long holidays... CNY and then there was the wedding that I attend in KL.... Was such a blast meeting with friends who are working in NY and London... The best part of it was the journey to KL... Its been ages since i went to KL with someone and Ms Cheerio was wonderful as my travelling companion... But i must say that even tho we didnt chat much (drugged myself so that i can sleep), its been fun... So Ms Cheerio, thanks for the fun trip and tolerating my nonsense throughout the time we spent in KL....
When will do the holiday thingy again??