Heart Ache...
Going to vote this weekend... quite exciting time... and this time round most of my family members will need to cast their votes as well (how very SURVIVOR - the reality show)....
I plan to go early in the morning this saturday... after which i will be able to take the coach and go to KL.... So many things in my head now concerning my relationship...But the most important thing at the moment for me is to salvage and mend this before its too late....
As you dear readers know, i am on a cooling off period with the sayang at the moment.... I mean naturally, you wont sms or call that often as you would normally. So i did my best to take it easy and try to see if i myself can go on without listening and talking to sayang... However, things got worse 2 weekends ago...
I made plans to go out clubbing with 2 good friends but the nite was not 'happening' for me...
Sayang called asking how am i and all that and will definitely ask, where are you now, question... So i told abt the plans.... The reply from sayang wasnt music to my ears... Said to me that going to JB with an old friend....Old friend or old flame??? I got really shocked and upset!! I mean u wanted the cooling off period, still angry at me, so why reply with such a remark...
Sigh so the nite was spent sms-ing each other and i got really pissed.. Somehow i believed that hes just saying that to spite me.... Come on man... Its very childish, right?!
And after many smses sent, during the weekend, sayang stop to reply to my sms/email/calls....
How can i possibly be in a happy jolly mood... Cooling off period doesnt mean you have to ignore me... Have some respect for me and at least tell me something than just shutting me off completely....
I just dont understand... This coming from someone who told me i need to grow up and be responsible.... Funny eh!!
And today i read sayang blog... The post script makes me angry/hurt/laugh at the same time..
Please do not sent stupid and absurd text messages to my phone, PLEASE!!!
DOH!! Of course i would send sms to you asking funny questions when u dont have the decency to reply any of my sms/email/calls.... Of course i will presume the worse... Maybe u dont want to continue the relationship any longer??? How do i know??? At times i really feel like waving the white flag.... Its to taxing and tiring... However, Mr J, a very good friend of mine, was telling me to talk things over and try my best to salvage it...
Hope things turn out right when we meet...
I plan to go early in the morning this saturday... after which i will be able to take the coach and go to KL.... So many things in my head now concerning my relationship...But the most important thing at the moment for me is to salvage and mend this before its too late....
As you dear readers know, i am on a cooling off period with the sayang at the moment.... I mean naturally, you wont sms or call that often as you would normally. So i did my best to take it easy and try to see if i myself can go on without listening and talking to sayang... However, things got worse 2 weekends ago...
I made plans to go out clubbing with 2 good friends but the nite was not 'happening' for me...
Sayang called asking how am i and all that and will definitely ask, where are you now, question... So i told abt the plans.... The reply from sayang wasnt music to my ears... Said to me that going to JB with an old friend....Old friend or old flame??? I got really shocked and upset!! I mean u wanted the cooling off period, still angry at me, so why reply with such a remark...
Sigh so the nite was spent sms-ing each other and i got really pissed.. Somehow i believed that hes just saying that to spite me.... Come on man... Its very childish, right?!
And after many smses sent, during the weekend, sayang stop to reply to my sms/email/calls....
How can i possibly be in a happy jolly mood... Cooling off period doesnt mean you have to ignore me... Have some respect for me and at least tell me something than just shutting me off completely....
I just dont understand... This coming from someone who told me i need to grow up and be responsible.... Funny eh!!
And today i read sayang blog... The post script makes me angry/hurt/laugh at the same time..
Please do not sent stupid and absurd text messages to my phone, PLEASE!!!
DOH!! Of course i would send sms to you asking funny questions when u dont have the decency to reply any of my sms/email/calls.... Of course i will presume the worse... Maybe u dont want to continue the relationship any longer??? How do i know??? At times i really feel like waving the white flag.... Its to taxing and tiring... However, Mr J, a very good friend of mine, was telling me to talk things over and try my best to salvage it...
Hope things turn out right when we meet...